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Amateur theatre group in Harwich, Essex


Amateur theatre group in Harwich, Essex

Poster for The Bubble by Rob Porter.  Framed in a Christmas bauble, an image of a sitting room at Christmas during Covid.  A figure in a mask and wearing a protective suit sits on the sofa, holding a long stick; on the table before them are two Covid tests, a full glass of wine and another that is spilled on the carpet; on the wall behind hangs a framed motto saying 'Live, Laugh, Cough'.

Current Production

'The Bubble'

by Rob Porter

Dates: Wednesday 4th December - Saturday 7th December 2024, 7:30pm
For more details, click here.

Christmas Day 2020, Farnham, Surrey (Tier 2). After months of lockdown restrictions, Sharon has invited her sister, Karen, and her family to form a Christmas 'bubble' for a day of family festive cheer. At least, that's the plan...

An overheard phone call kicks off festering suspicions of infidelity; this, mixed with various culture clashes, generation gaps and personality issues, raises the temperature in the house, causing mayhem and testing family relationships to breaking point.

Contains adult humour, recommended for audiences over 15.

Performance dates are set for 4th-7th December 2024 at the DTG Studio, commencing at 7:30pm. As usual, wheelchair access and on-site parking for those with mobility problems is available by prior arrangement. If parking in Highfield Avenue, please do so with care and consideration for local residents.

Tickets are £10.00 per head.

Please reserve your tickets by contacting Margaret on 07421 056814. Note: reservations are not confirmed as bookings until they are paid for. We are unfortunately having to be strict about this after some no-shows. Your understanding is appreciated.
Payments can be made in person by cash, cheque (made out to 'Dovercourt Theatre Group') or card at Cutaway, 10 West Street (roughly opposite Pieseas chippy), usually any day except Sunday or Thursday. Alternatively, we can now take payment via our PayPal account (, choose 'Friends and Family').


Watch this space!

About DTG

Dovercourt Theatre Group (DTG) has been an active amateur drama group in the Harwich area since 1974, and is affiliated to NODA, the National Operatic and Dramatic Association .

We meet on most Tuesdays and Fridays from 7:30pm at The Studio, our home behind Timeline Auctions (formerly Harwich Magistrates Court), and perform several productions a year.

To find out more about membership of DTG, click here.

We have a loyal group of Friends who support us, and enjoy regular social and fund-raising events.

A list of our past productions can be found here.

Join DTG

Membership of DTG starts from age 16 upwards.

We welcome new members who are interested in all aspects of amateur theatre, including (but not limited to) acting, set design & construction, prop-making, stage management, costumes, sound and lighting. Whether your interests are artistic or technical, creative or organisational, or if you don't know and want a friendly place to find out, join us - we'll have a role for you! New members don't start paying subscriptions until the next quarter, so you can get to know us first.

Subscriptions are £60/year from September to August, payable annually, quarterly or monthly. Standing order form available on request.

To start the ball rolling, just get in touch.

DTG Studio

Our home is The Studio, a two-storey brick building, situated behind Timeline Auctions, which we lease from Harwich Town Council. Originally part of the Hill School, this is where we rehearse, and usually perform, our shows. It's a little bit tucked away, so for some more information on how to find us, click here.

Access to the Studio is via Manor Lane, off Highfield Avenue, and chiefly on foot. There is a small parking area on site, so if you have mobility problems, please get in touch and we can make arrangements for you to park there. From Highfield Avenue, head along Manor Lane in the direction of Lime Avenue until you reach the double gates at the corner of the site. There is signage just inside for the various groups who use the site, including ourselves. Once you're through the gate, make your way up the path to the ramp at the top. Continue between two single-storey huts - the Boxing Club on your left and 'We Are Music' (formerly the Rock School) on your right till you reach the two-storey brick building, which is the Studio. Go round this building to the opposite corner where you will find the entrance. Turn left on entering, and our main performance/rehearsal space is just through the door.

Find us here on
or here on Google Maps
or here on What3Words.
Rough map to The Studio (opens in another window)

Friends of DTG

The Friends of DTG is a mailing list for our wonderful supporters, free to join, which keeps you in touch with everything DTG is doing.

To join, simply let us have your name and e-mail address, or your postal address if you don't have e-mail, and we will send you news of our forthcoming productions, as well as social and fund-raising events. We won't swamp you with messages or pass your details on to anyone else, and if you ever need to unsubscribe, just let us know.

E-mail us at:

Phone or text us:

07421 056814
